(847) 610 - 9272 [email protected]

March brings not just the promise of spring but also the celebration of Women’s History Month. At Lincolnwood Family Dental, we’re proud to spotlight ‘Empowering Women in Dentistry,’ starting with our own founder, Dr. Sana Baig. Her journey is not just a testament to personal achievement but also a beacon for women’s empowerment in healthcare.

Dr. Sana Baig: Empowering Women in Dentistry

From the very beginning, Dr. Baig’s vision for Lincolnwood Family Dental was clear: to create a practice that goes beyond dental care, empowering women within the dental industry and our community. Her dedication is a shining example of female leadership, breaking barriers and setting new standards in a traditionally male-dominated field.

Our Commitment to Empowerment

Empowerment is at the heart of everything we do at Lincolnwood Family Dental. We believe in empowering our patients through education, personalized care, and a supportive environment. Every smile we care for is a step towards a more empowered community.

Celebrating Women’s History Month

This Women’s History Month, we’re not just looking back at the incredible achievements of women through history; we’re also focusing on the present and future—on the women shaping our world today. Dr. Baig and our team are committed to supporting and uplifting women in all areas of life, particularly in healthcare and leadership.

Join Our Celebration

We invite you to join us in celebrating ‘Empowering Women in Dentistry’ this March. Whether through participating in community events, supporting women-owned businesses, or learning more about women’s contributions to healthcare, there are many ways to celebrate and make a difference.

We thank our patients, staff, and community for their support. Together, we are not just observing history; we’re actively contributing to it, one empowered smile at a time.

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